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Los SMS que pueden salvar vidas

El País informa del impacto que NUTRI-m, el programa de Fundación Recover que busca reducir la desnutrición infantil en África, ha tenido ya en la vida de 4.000 niños

Camerún, Benín y Costa de Marfil, en el África Susbsahariana, tienen en común un problema que afecta y esquilma en el continente a generación tras generación: la desnutrición infantil. Cada año, tres millones de niños mueren por esta causa y, si no se revierte esta situación, para 2030 la cifra podría ascender a 36 millones de menores fallecidos.

En el Día Mundial de África, que se celebra cada 25 de mayo, la Fundación Recover -que hace cooperación sanitaria en el África Subsahariana desde 2007- ha dado a conocer su Informe sobre la desnutrición infantil, donde pone de manifiesto que la desnutrición ha de abordarse desde un enfoque multisectorial. En el estudio explica el desarrollo de su programa pionero, Nutri-m, que ha salvado la vida de casi 4.000 niños desde 2021 en 11 centros de salud de Camerún y Costa de Marfil.

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6.21 Doctors/10,000 Inhabitants

Recurso 8

Since 2023

Recurso 7

1,024 health and management volunteers, and non-health volunteers, offering their expertise

8 partner hospitals in the country

Recurso 9

More than 90 companies/entities have collaborated with their projects


0,1 Doctors/10,000 Inhabitants

Recurso 8

Since 2018

1 health centre intervened

Operating theatre and other equipment, volunteering, telemedicine

Incidence in 10,140 people


1,6 Doctors/10,000 Inhabitants

Recurso 8

Since 2023

1 health centre intervened


Uganda foto de contexto

South Sudan

0,4 Doctors/10,000 Inhabitants

Recurso 8

Since 2023

2 health centres intervened

Ophthalmology campaigns

Incidence in 15,000 people

Sadan de Sur foto de contexto

Republic of Chad

0,6 Doctors/10,000 Inhabitants

Recurso 8

Since 2018

1 health centre intervened

Grants for laboratory training and equipment, nutrition unit and patient intervention in Spain

Incidence in 10,000 people

Fuente de la imagen: CC BY 2.0, Enlace

Equatorial Guinea

3,5 Doctors/10,000 Inhabitants

Recurso 8

Since 2023

3 health centres intervened


Incidence in 1,000 people

Guinea Ecautorial foto de contexto


1,24 Doctors/10,000 Inhabitants

Recurso 8

Since 2007

71 health centres intervened

Recurso 10

Hospital management, electricity, water and sanitation infrastructure, health campaigns (child malnutrition, cervical cancer, cardiovascular risk, malaria, sickle cell disease), equipment (operating theatre, laboratory and physiotherapy equipment, X-ray machines, ultrasound machines, electrocardiograms, incubators, dental chairs, ambulances, etc.), training scholarships in Spain and Africa, telemedicine, intervention of 63 patients in Spain.

Incidence in 998,218 people



0,65 Doctors/10,000 Inhabitants

Recurso 8

Since 2024

1 health centre intervened

Reference anatomical pathology laboratory

Incidence in 78,031 people

Burundi foto de contexto

Democratic Republic of Congo

3,7 Doctors/10,000 Inhabitants

Recurso 8

Since 2017

7 health centres intervened

Training in Spain, laboratory equipment, drinking water, photovoltaic energy and telemedicine

Incidence in 30,500 people

Congo foto de contexto de Russell Watkins Department for International Development

Foto de Russell Watkins, Department for International Development

Burkina Faso

1 Doctor/10,000 Inhabitants

Recurso 8

Since 2007

3 health centres intervened

Intervention for cardiac patients in Spain, telemedicine

Incidence in 60,000 people

Côte d'Ivoire

1,6 Doctors/10,000 Inhabitants

Recurso 8

Since 2017

23 health centres intervened

Telemedicine, hospital management, maternal and child health, mental health, sickle cell disease, diabetes

Incidence in 148,000 people

costa de marfil contexto


0,62 Doctors/10,000 Inhabitants

Recurso 8

Since 2018

2 health centres intervened

Maternity infrastructure, drinking water, energy, ultrasound equipment, management

Incidence in 20,850 people